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NNMC 2020 Annual Student Research Symposium

Jenyce Baca

Historical Trauma and The Impacts of Healing on Pueblo Communities

Presenter: Jenyce Baca

Poster Description: The aim of this study is to determine the negative impact of historical trauma and its process of delaying resilience among Pueblo communities in New Mexico. Indigenous peoples have been affected by historical trauma for many generations. With the early contact of explorers and colonizers, Pueblo people of New Mexico have been forced into enslavement, removed from ancestral and sacred lands, murdered, forbidden to practice their spirituality and ceremonies, and their children were kidnapped and forced into assimilation. With the lack of research done in Pueblo communities in New Mexico, historical trauma has extended over multiple generations which continues to impact many community members leaving them vulnerable from the non-indigenous world. The purpose of this study is to conduct future research among Pueblo communities and to find beneficial ways to incorporate traditional practices towards resilience.

Key Terms: historical trauma, indigenous peoples, decolonization, resilience.