NNMC Bookstore | Course-Specific Learning Tools | Library Curriculum Driven Acquisitions | Inclusive Access | OER Resources | |
Availability (to students) | Shipped; unless student purchases e-copy | Most likely through the duration of the course. | As long as they are enrolled students at NNMC. A few licensing restrictions exist. | Available the first day of class (unless student opts-out); most books are available for 180 days | Anytime |
Student Cost/Ownership | Depends on the book; but options include ebook rental on a time-sensitive license/ possibility to retain |
Depends on the tool (usually $30-$120) |
Free; although students pay tuition which contributes to the Library’s collection budget/ Can retain copies, in most cases, for personal use. | IA books often cost half (or less) of the purchased textbook/Rental of digital copy limited to a semester/may not retain | Free. In some instances, print copies may be purchased for a small fee/may retain |
Ability to Tailor Content | Faculty can supplement; tailoring texts not permitted. | Faculty can supplement; tailoring content not permitted. | Faculty can supplement; tailoring texts not permitted. | Faculty can supplement; tailoring texts may or may not permitted. | Can download, retain, share, etc. at any time. Licensed, in most cases, to allow tailoring of content. |
Ancillary Materials | Maybe available | Maybe available | Maybe available | Maybe available | Maybe available; may need to be developed |
If this is my option, I should…. | Consult with DE to ensure interoperability in Blackboard before commitment. | Permalink to materials in Blackboard. | Permalink to materials in the LMS. |