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Distance Education - Faculty Resources

Online Course Review & Approval Process

After the Director or Chair submits an Application for Online Course Review and your self-evaluation, the Online Review Committee (ORC) will review your course.

Faculty teaching online courses at Northern New Mexico College are required to submit their course for approval to the Online Review Committee (ORC). Fully online courses must demonstrate that they meet 85% of Quality Matters Rubric Standards (6th edition)*. Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, peer-reviewed process that certifies the quality of online courses. The online course review process can only be initiated by a Director or Department Chair.

  • Courses meeting 85% of Quality Matters™ (QM) standards will be approved.
  • Courses that fail to meet 85% of the standards will be returned to the course developer with suggestions and feedback. Course developers will then have 2 weeks to revise and resubmit the course for approval.

Once a course is reviewed and approved, a request for Course Copy must be submitted to the Center for Distance Education. This will move the course into the BlackBoard production environment. 

*Note: At this time, DE is developing a review process for hybrid courses as requested by the Provost. 

Refer to the complete guidelines and application below.